понедельник, 24 мая 2010 г.

Пара новостей из Щтраны Щвабоды


Customs and immigration officers in Australia have been granted new powers to search laptops and mobiles for pornography.

New questions have been added to the Incoming Passenger Cards for business travellers and holidaymakers visiting Australia including a question related to the possession of pornographic material.

The new additions have received very little media coverage in Australia and appear to have slipped under the radar of public consultation according to Colin Jacobs, chairman of the Electronic Frontiers Australia. Speaking to the Brisbane Times, Mr Jacobs said: “It’s hard to fathom what the pressing concern could be that requires Australia to quiz every entrant to the country on their pornography habits”.

UP TO 50,000 people face a fine of $110 a day if they refuse to divulge information on their health and lifestyle to Australian Bureau of Statistics researchers.

The Australian Health Survey announced in last week's Budget will be the most comprehensive research on the health of Australians ever undertaken and will be jointly funded by the National Heart Foundation.

But the 50,000 people chosen to take part will be compelled to do so.

Participants will be weighed and measured and will be asked to give a blood and urine sample.

They will also be asked detailed questions on what they drink and eat and their physical activity.

The ABS said participation "is ultimately compulsory for those chosen by random sampling to ensure the survey accurately represents the Australian population as a whole".

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