среда, 25 мая 2011 г.

Радостные новости. Наконец-то начали требушить это болото.

Отото щас визгу-то будет от всяких там "профсоюзов грузчиков и говночерпиев", когда всей этой пролетарской эпидерсии покажут её настоящее место.
THE O'Farrell government has moved to seize control of the wages and conditions of more than 400,000 public servants in what unions and Labor have described as NSW's version of Work Choices.
Under a bill introduced to Parliament last night, the government would be granted the power to not only stipulate wage rises but also other conditions including leave entitlements.

The Industrial Relations Commission would be stripped of its independent power and forced to abide by any government policy on employment conditions for public servants in a regulation issued by the Finance Minister.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/public-service-revolution-20110524-1f2ky.html#ixzz1NJYRU5IN

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